Our Proteomic Technologies

ELISA and Mass Spectrometry

Enable a comprehensive proteomic analysis of biological samples, from the quantification of individual proteins to comprehensive proteomic profiling and the examination of abundances, post-translational modifications, and interactions. Proteomic assessment can reveal biological insights helping to elucidate disease mechanisms and potential biomarkers.

Mass spectrometry offers several advantages over competing approaches:

  • From Broad to Targeted Proteome Coverage: Analyze a wide range of proteins simultaneously, providing a comprehensive coverage of the proteome, or analyze a targeted set of proteins with precise quantification of specific proteins or protein isoforms.
  • Quantitative Accuracy: High quantitative accuracy and precision, allowing for precise measurement of protein abundances across different samples. This is essential for comparing protein levels between healthy and disease states or tracking changes in protein expression over time.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Customizable to suite specific testing needs, allowing for the analysis of various sample types and the detection of different types of protein modifications.
  • Ability to Detect PTMs (post-translational modifications): Capable of identifying and quantifying PTMs (post-translational modifications) essential for understanding the functional significance of proteins in biological processes and disease states.
  • Identification of Novel Biomarkers: Discover novel biomarkers that may not be detectable using other methods. By analyzing the entire proteome in an unbiased manner, mass spectrometry can uncover previously unrecognized proteins or protein isoforms that are associated with disease processes or treatment response.
  • Integration with Other Omics Technologies: Can be integrated with other technologies, including genomics and transcriptomics, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of biological systems.

Liquid Chromatography Mass Spec (LC-MS/MS):

LC-MS/MS excels in pinpointing alterations in the abundance of an extensive array of proteins within a single analysis. The utility of LC-MS/MS extends to both targeted and discovery proteomics. It delivers exceptional sensitivity, specificity, and cost-effectiveness, enabling the simultaneous quantitation of hundreds to several thousand targeted peptides and their post-translational modifications in a single experiment.

MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry

Discover our pioneering DeepMALDI® system, a proprietary high-density matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) technology. It is purpose-built to deliver exceptional protein data quality, driving the discovery of clinically valuable diagnostic tests and protein-based classifiers.

  • Detect 1,500+ proteins, great discovery tool for identifying new protein-based biomarkers.
  • Measure the relative abundance of a multitude of intact proteins and peptide fragments with our proprietary DeepMALDI methods.
  • High-speed & high throughput, cost effective.

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

At the frontline of diagnostics, our ELISA services harness the power of antigen-antibody interactions. We use ELISA to detect and quantify the presence of antibodies and proteins in patient blood samples by exploiting the interaction between antigen and antibody.