Biodesix Biopharma Communication in Response to COVID-19
Dear Biopharma Customers,
Biodesix is monitoring the COVID-19 news, including all recommendations from our local, state, and federal health agencies. The world is grappling with an issue of enormous scale and human impact, and our hearts go out to all who have been affected by the outbreak of COVID-19.
At Biodesix, we have two priorities during this challenging time. Our first priority is to protect the health and safety of our Biodesix teammates and their families. Our second priority in our safety-first approach is to ensure that the Biodesix Lab teams (Boulder, CO; De Soto, KS) continue to process tests for our customers.
In order to achieve these goals, we immediately assessed our remote workforce capabilities last week and then asked all “non-essential” lab teammates to work from home for at least the rest of the month. We are proud to report that we were up and running remotely before the end of the day on Friday with no business disruptions. The laboratories continued as normal with no change in turn-around time. Additionally, we prohibited all business air travel until further notice. At this time, we continue to process all Biodesix tests through our labs in safe, sterile and quarantined conditions.
I want to thank you for supporting Biodesix. The Business Development and Laboratory Operations teams are committed to processing samples in a timely manner. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the status of current and future projects ( It is our intent to remain transparent, providing the latest and most up to date information from our Company. We continue to aggressively assess facts in order to improve the safety measures already in place. As more information becomes available to us from experts and government agencies, we promise to keep you updated with our actions at Biodesix.
Thank you for being a loyal customer,

Chief Business Officer