Diagnostic Solutions

Biodesix has different diagnostic testing solutions depending on the type of biological information your health care team needs to decide on the right management or treatment path for you. Your doctor will choose the test that is right for you, based on your diagnosis, medical imaging and personal health history, and arrange for a blood sample to be collected through a simple blood draw, which can be obtained in a clinic, laboratory, or the comfort of your own home.

Nodify® Testing

If a lung nodule has been found during a chest scan, whether incidentally or during routine screening, it can be difficult to decide what the next best steps are to take for your health. The Nodify Lung blood-based testing strategy helps you and your doctor confidently decide the next steps for managing the nodule in your lung. 

While most small nodules found are not cancerous, your physician may use Nodify Lung testing to help evaluate your risk of having lung cancer before doing a more-invasive procedure, such as a biopsy or surgery, or waiting to scan the nodule again in the future. 

Is lung nodule testing right for you?
Your doctor or medical care team can help decide if Nodify Lung testing is right for you. Nodify Lung test results are based on a combination of two proteins found in your blood, and clinical characteristics like the size and shape of your lung nodule or your age, using an algorithm to help assess your risk of cancer.


IQLung™ Treatment Guidance Testing

If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer, IQLung™ Treatment Guidance testing provides biomarker results from a simple blood draw that can help your doctor or cancer care team make a more informed decision when deciding your personalized lung cancer treatment path.

When patients receive personalized therapy from the very beginning of their care they have the best chance to fight cancer.* And when it comes to cancer treatment, time is of the essence, so we are committed to providing your physician with swift, actionable biomarker results to support your lung cancer treatment plan, so you can move forward with more confidence.

IQLung testing consists of multiple targeted, genomic, and proteomic tests, with one blood draw from you. Your personalized results are delivered to your doctor in 3 business days. These results will equip your cancer care team with insights into your biological information to help support your treatment decisions at any stage of lung cancer.

Is IQLung testing right for you?
Your physician will decide whether this testing strategy is right for you. If you have a confirmed lung cancer diagnosis, biomarker information may be helpful for your physician to select treatment based on how your body is responding to the cancer.

How does diagnostic testing work?

Talk to your health care provider or doctor about what type of Biodesix testing is right for you.

Talk to your Doctor

Discuss testing options together with your medical care team. Your doctor will order the appropriate test for you.

Schedule Blood Draw

Your doctor can arrange for a blood sample to be drawn for testing, either in clinic, laboratory, or through our certified network of phlebotomists in the comfort of your own home.

Send Sample to Lab

After your blood sample is drawn, it is sent to Biodesix clinical laboratories for testing.

Discuss Results with Doctor

Your doctor receives results in a Biodesix report in three to five days and you and your medical care team can discuss the results and next steps for treatment.

Accessible testing for all Dedicated Customer Care and Financial Support

We understand the financial stresses that health issues can place on you and your family. Biodesix is committed to providing patients with resources and support to make testing affordable and accessible for all.

Our tests are covered by Medicare and many private payers. Our experienced, compassionate team will seek coverage for you and work with your insurance company directly by filing your claim. We have also created the Biodesix Assist Financial Support Program™ which may reduce or even eliminate financial responsibility if you qualify.

Your health information and privacy rights

Biodesix uses Protected Health Information (PHI) to deliver personalized medical information to your doctor to assist in your treatment. We are committed to obtaining, maintaining, using and disclosing all patient PHI in a way that protects your privacy. Read the full Notice of Privacy Practices of Health Information Policy for more details.

Protections against surprise billing
When you get treated by an out-of-network specialist at an in-network setting, you are protected from balance billing, also sometimes called “surprise billing.” This can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care—like when you have an emergency or when you schedule a visit at an in- network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-of-network provider. Learn more about your rights and protections against surprise medical bills.


* Calles A, Riess J, Brahmer J. ASCO Educational Book. 2020. 40: 372-284.