IQLung™ Treatment Guidance Testing for Lung Cancer

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A Simple Blood Draw Can Optimize Lung Cancer Treatment Strategies Regardless Of Stage.

Expedite Time To Personalized Results

Biodesix IQLung™ Treatment Guidance testing consists of the GeneStrat® targeted test, the GeneStrat NGS® genomic test and the VeriStrat® proteomic test for a broader view of each patient's disease state, with results in 3 business days.* IQLung testing empowers care teams with a testing strategy for any stage of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and delivers timely biological insights to help expedite personalized treatment decisions.

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Easily integrates into your existing workflow with a simple blood draw. Contact us to learn how to get started.

genestrat test logo

Targeted Tumor Mutation Testing

The GeneStrat targeted test evaluates the presence of actionable mutations in NSCLC. The test is covered independent of stage and can be used multiple times per patient to monitor changes in mutation status.

Not restricted by stage of NSCLC or recurrence
Extracts cfDNA and cRNA to detect fusions, indels, and point mutations

Download Sample Test Report

Download sample test report. Easily identify if tumor mutations were detected in cfDNA or cRNA on the two-page report.

2023 Genstrat NGS Logo CMYK v2 R-01

Broad Tumor Mutation Testing

The GeneStrat NGS test is a broad 52 gene panel, including guideline recommended mutations that help identify advanced stage patients eligible for targeted therapy or clinical trial enrollment.

3 business day turnarond time


Detects Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV), Insertion/deletions (Indels), Copy Number Amplifications (CNA), Fusion and Skipping Variants
Supports multi-disciplinary collaboration

Download Sample Test Report

Identify actionable findings, including guideline recommended treatment options and active clinical trials in this concise, intuitive test report.

veristrat test logo

Host Immune Profile Testing

The VeriStrat test is a novel blood-based host immune classifier (HIC) for patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Clinical studies have shown that the test is predictive and prognostic of outcomes independent of ECOG performance status, mutation status, PD-L1 expression, treatment choice, and line of therapy.

Kaplan-Meier analysis of overall survival in patients with advanced stage NSCLC receiving ICI as monotherapy or ICI in combination with chemotherapy by HIC classification in the subsets of patients with high PD-L1 expression and ECOG PS 0-1.VS TRR Graph Only (004)

Download Sample Test Report

Download sample test report. Quickly identify a patient's VeriStrat status in this two-page report.

IQLung Validation

Each of the tests in the IQLung testing strategy has been independently validated and reported in numerous peer-reviewed publications, abstracts, and more.


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*3 business days represents the average turnaround time for testing, individual test turnaround times may vary.