Nodify Lung®: Lung Nodule Management

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One simple blood draw. Two tests to help decipher the risk of malignancy of a lung nodule.

Reclassify Risk. Reduce Uncertainty.

Nodify Lung® testing consists of two blood-based proteomic tests, the Nodify CDT® & Nodify XL2® tests to help providers quickly and confidently decipher the risk of malignancy of a lung nodule.

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The Nodify CDT test helps identify patients who may benefit from timely intervention with results in one day.* The test measures 7 autoantibodies associated with tumor antigens to help providers detect lung cancer across all histologies and stages.1,2,3 

Helps aid in identifying lung cancer earlier
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$0 out of pocket for Medicaid and covered Medicare beneficiaries

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The Nodify XL2 test helps identify patients who may benefit from computed tomography (CT) surveillance with results within five days.+ The test is an integrated classifier that measures the ratio of two proteins (LG3BP and C163A) combined with several clinical and radiological factors to help identify those nodules that are likely benign. 

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Helps reduce unnecessary procedures on benign nodules
$0 out of pocket for Medicaid and covered Medicare beneficiaries

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Watch our Nodify Lung informational video series to learn more about our cohesive testing strategy for nodule management

how does nodify lung testing work

Nodify Lung Validation


Nodify Lung testing is $0 out of pocket for Medicaid and covered Medicare beneficiaries

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*24 hours represents the average turnaround time for testing, individual test turnaround times may vary.
+ 120 hours represents the average turnaround time for testing, individual test turnaround times may vary.
1 Massion et al. JTO. 2017; 12(3): 578-584.
2 Chapman et al. Tumor Biol. 2012; 33(5): 1319–1326.
3 Healey et al. JTO. 2017; 12(11): S2170.