A simple blood test to help determine a lung nodule’s risk of malignancy
Lung nodule management is a constant challenge – most nodules are benign, but missing cancer isn’t an option. Conventional clinical and radiologic factors used in a patient’s work-up are unreliable, leading to unnecessary biopsies for up to 62% of patients and 17% of lung cancer patients being sent to CT surveillance1,2. Nodify Lung® tests help clinicians navigate the uncertainty by providing an objective risk assessment, based on the level of markers in the patient’s blood.
Nodify Lung testing is designed to help you
Identify lung cancer earlier
Prioritize the right patients for procedure3
Increase malignancy rate in biopsies
by up to 51%4Decrease patient anxiety
Provide confidence in the path forward5Biodesix Access Program
Biodesix is committed to making our tests available to all patients. Our Biodesix Access Program covers all billing needs in-house. For additional information on coverage and reimbursement.

Nodify CDT® test
Raises the risk of malignancy for lung nodules that are likely malignant6
The Nodify CDT test helps identify patients who may benefit from timely intervention by measuring 7 auto-antibodies associated with lung cancer, with results in one business day*
Designed to detect cancer across all stages and histologies, earlier3,8
Designed to detect cancer across all stages and histologies, earlier3,8

Lowers the risk of malignancy for lung nodules that are likely benign9
The Nodify XL2 test helps identify patients who may benefit from CT surveillance by measuring the ratio of two proteins combined with five clinical risk factors, with results in five business days+
74% relative reduction of invasive procedures on benign nodules and 51% relative increase in proportion of biopsies diagnosing cancer with Nodify XL2 testing4,11
74% relative reduction of invasive procedures on benign nodules and 51% relative increase in proportion of biopsies diagnosing cancer with Nodify XL2 testing4,11
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The Nodify CDT® test is validated for use on patients at least 40 years of age with a newly identified nodule 8-30mm in size, a pre-test risk of malignancy 65% or less calculated using the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Calculator (Mayo Clinic Model), and no history of cancer.
The Nodify XL2® test is validated for use on patients at least 40 years of age with a newly identified nodule 8-30mm in size, a pre-test risk of malignancy 50% or less calculated using the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Calculator (Mayo Clinic Model), no history of lung cancer, and no history of non-lung cancer within the last 5 years.
1Data calculated from Tanner et al. CHEST. 2015;148(6):1405-1414
2Biodesix data on file, subgroup analysis of Silvestri et al. CHEST. 2018; 154(3): 491-500. (PANOPTIC)
3Massion et al. JTO. 2017; 12(3): 578-584.
4Pritchett et al. AABIP Poster Presentation. 2023.
5Kheir et al. J Thorac Dis. 2023. 15(7):3557-3567.
6The Nodify CDT test reports a higher risk of malignancy as compared to the patient's pre-test Mayo score when at least one of the seven autoantibodies is detected.
7Healey et al. JCT. 2017; 8(5): 506-517.
8Chapman et al. Tumor Biol. 2012; 33(5): 1319–1326.
9The Nodify XL2 test reports a lower risk of malignancy as compared to the patient's pre-test Mayo score when the ratio of the measured plasma proteins combined with the 5 clinical risk factors are below a specified threshold.
10Silvestri et al. CHEST. 2018; 154(3): 491-500. (PANOPTIC)
11Pritchett et al. PLoS One. 2023. 18(7) 10.1371/journal.pone. 0287409.
*One business day from sample receipt represents the average turnaround time for testing, individual test turnaround times may vary.
**Based on performance of the Nodify CDT test High Level result
++5 business days from sample receipt represents the average turnaround time for testing, individual test turnaround times may vary.
++Based on performance of the Nodify XL2 test Likely Benign result